Friday 25 March 2016

Pola makan, stres , thyroidectomy

Life was good...a loving husband , cute kid and the best job ever even though stres level was high but with perks like being able to travel...mmmhh who could resist.

The only stupid thing ...I didn't take care of myself.
You know there is a saying you are what you eat. And I ate a lot of junk , didn't like veggies at all.
A recipe for disaster !

And then we had another baby and I still ate junk :(

What shocked me was when this cute little bundle was diagnosed with autism.
Our rollercoaster ride began and I still ate junk .

Until I noticed a bump in my neck but I still ate junk and didn't do anything about it

Yes I went to the docter and got diagnosed struma with cold nodule.

Then my dad got diagnosed with cancer and that scared me

So finally after nursing this bump for 7 years I had a near total thyroidectomy.

By the grace of God I was clean , no cancer .

But then something else happened... Due to my year long negligence eating healthy wholesome food I had a stroke like attack due insufficient calsium and kalium. I think I almost died hadn't it been for my fellow train passengers who took me to the ER.

While my whole body was in spasm unable to move , to breath I thought to myself please God don't let me die yet my son still needs me.
That's when I promised to turn my life around and eat healthier.
So now I start my morning with a healthy smoothie and finish the day with a glass of juice.
In between I throw in a bowl of raw or cooked veggies.
And of course I try my best to reduce my stres level.

So guys , remember to take good care of yourself wether you still have a thyroid or not.

smoothie anyone :)


  1. Keep healthy life mb Tjita.. good job..!! GBU

  2. Keep healthy life mb Tjita.. good job..!! GBU

  3. sama mba Tjita.. awalnya aku juga ngga terlalu peduli kesehatan terutama mengenai makanan. semuanya kumakan aja yang enak-enak. Tetapi ternyata itu tidak berdampak baik pada tubuh. Semoga kita bisa terus menerapkan pola makan lebih sehat sekarang ya mba.

    Doa yang sama dariku mba. Semoga Tuhan terus menguatkan dan menyehatkan kita demi anak-anak yang masih membutuhkan kasih sayang ktia. amin

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